About Me

Hello! I'm Aniket, and I'm currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Data Science at Indiana University. As a Data Scientist, I am extremely keen on deriving actionable insights from complex data sets with the help of statistical and visualization tools. Also, I like to apply my skills in Machine Learning to find solutions to problems in various domains. Along with this, I have a strong interest in Software Development and Cloud Computing. I'm seeking an opportunity where I can use my expertise in these fields and create an impact with my work.

Work history
I currently work as a (Part-time) Marketing Data Analyst at IU Studios, where I work with our Marketing folks to track, provision, analyze and visualize data about the Marketing campaigns. I primarily work with GA360, Salesforce CRM, Marketing Cloud, Google Data Studio, and SEO tools. More on that here.
Prior to my Masters, I have worked as a Sr. Data Analyst (SAP BI) at Capgemini for two years; and have completed an internship in Software Development, during my undergrad. During my time at Indiana University, I've worked as a Research Analyst (Psychology dept.) and Associate instructor (Intro to AI & Applied Algorithms). Detailed work history in my resume.

Course at IU
As a Master's student at Indiana University, I received solid training with practical experiences in Machine Learning, Statistics, Data Mining, and Deep Learning. I'm highly proficient with Python, Java, and R programming languages; querying databases with SQL/PLSQL; performing data analysis, and creating insightful visualizations. Additionally, I'm also highly skilled in training, tuning, and deploying Machine Learning models. I've completed courses like Exploratory Data Analysis, Deep Learning, Adv. Database concepts, and Cloud Computing. I really enjoy taking on new projects, academic or on Kaggle, and deploying end-to-end solutions as a part of these projects. Check out my significant projects here.

My Project Portfolio

Fashion Recommendation System

Deep Learning | Tensorflow 2.x | Siamese Net for finding image similarities using VGG-16, VGG-16, ResNet, InceptionV3, and a custom CNN model.

Hackathon: Will they claim it?

ML | EDA | Feature selection | Hyperparameter tuning | Automate the claims approval process for a Travel Insurance company using Machine Learning.

Report: Elon Musk and Twitter

NLP | Analysis of all Tweets/replies by Elon Musk since he joined Twitter. Topic Modeling using traditional LDA and a new Top2vec model. Sentiment and emotion analysis using HuggingFace's RoBERTa based pysentimiento.

What am I currently doing?

Part-time Marking Data Analyst @ IU Studios.

Generate ad-hoc reports to track metrics related to the marketing campaigns run by IU Studios. Create and maintain dashboards. Provide support to the CRM team with technical tasks (usually in Salesforce CRM/ Marketing Cloud related to SQL).

Projects that I'm working on

JPX stock market prediction: PySpark | EMR | Tableau | Validating LSTM & LightGBM for prediction on time-series data.


Data Science and Machine Learning

Exploratory Data Analysis, Inferential Statistics, Feature Selection & Engineering, Machine Learning (Parametric models, Bagging & Boosting techniques, Clustering, SVM), Deep Learning (CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, cGAN), NLP (BERT, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modeling, Beautiful-soup, SpaCy, NLTK, Textblob, Gensim, Word2Vec, BERT, RASA NLU).

Database & Cloud Technologies

PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle DB, SQLite, MongoDB, DynamoDB.
AWS (EC2, S3, Lambda, Athena, Kinesis & more), Google BigQuery, Apache Airflow, Apache Spark, PySpark, .

Programming Languages

Python (Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow 2), SQL, PL-SQL, Java, C, C++, R, D3.js, HTML, CSS, Flask, JavaScript.

Data Visualization

Python (Matplotlib, Plotly/dash, Seaborn), Tableau, Google Data Studio.

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